

In general, I look for two qualities in cels I buy or trade. The first is that I want to be able to be well-suited to framing. The second is that I want cels that visually infer what the show is about.

This generally means that I'm not usually interested in special costumes, very specialized events in a show, or rare side characters.

In general, I consider the best cels to be the ones that a non-collector who has seen the show once through can recognize instantly. That being said, here's what I'm looking for:

Click on attached images to enlarge.

Series/Description    Sample    Priority
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura + Wand + Card Medium
Sakura, from her recurring dream. Preferebly raining Clow Cards, but that's probably too rare to ask for. Medium
Iria, flicking her hunter beads to the side. Low
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Azalyn TV, with Tylor's coat Medium
Tylor with sunglasses Medium
Just about any popular, recognizable character flashing a victory sign High
Nadesico, the ship High
Any large pan shot of the bridge of the Nadesico Medium
Megumi with a headset Medium
Ryoko, angry/attacking Medium
Any stereotypical Slayers scenario, like treasure hunting or eating Medium
Starry-eyed Lina from OVA/Movie Medium
Action shots of any of the Gungho Guns fighting against Vash in a gunfight. Medium
Woflwood brandishing his crucifix rifle, preferebly low-angle Medium
Vision of Escaflowne
Hitomi with her Tarot cards Medium

Curator: noisywalrus
Gallery Created: 8/6/2001
Hits: 36794
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